In recent weeks I lost a bit track of meaning in my life. Despair and hopelessness kicked in. The weight of global issues cast a shadow, and the enormity of the problems made my individual impact feel minuscule. Yet, meaning, at its core, is having a sense of significance in our actions. In this infinite universe, we may be tiny, but every choice we make ripples into the collective, and in case you tend to forget sometimes, like me, here’s your reminder: Each aligned decision you are making really does matter. You matter!
On another note, perhaps the true essence of meaning is to simply be here. Can you believe that your own existence is meaningful and worthy by itself? Maybe we do not have to earn meaning or worth and definitely not look for someone else assigning meaning to what we do. Our life is by nature meaningful and worthy so there’s nothing to do to earn it whatsoever. This is sometimes hard to believe as we’ve subscribed to the societal belief that meaning comes with productivity, toil and effort.
Yet, as we delve into Maslow's pyramid of needs, we find that a sense of meaning is vital for our happiness. It becomes a metaphorical life preserver in challenging times. That’s why worrying that the life you’ve been living is meaningless can feel a lot like drowning. It’s often accompanied by a loss of direction and hope. Some people also call it “dark night of the soul”. I’ve been there and returning there occasionally and I so feel everyone who is currently in that phase. You got this, and it will pass. You are not alone. And you’ll be waking up to an even greater meaning. And here are some learnings and practical tips for creating more ease, truth and faith on this journey.
Congratulations, you have the privilege to ask yourself the purpose-question. Also, it shows that you are attentive to an absence of meaning whilst other people often just don't expose themselves to this question or don't have the aspiration of leading a meaningful life. It may sound weird but pointlessness and despair are an excellent place from which you can reassess your assumptions about your existence and life. Maybe you’re reassessing your life because you’ve achieved your goals, and you are still feeling empty? Or your life’s meaning is very much based on your external environment? A lot of times we work towards our goals and in the end we have them and then we find out that they did not make us happy in the end or the dopamine high dissipates and brings us back to solid ground very quickly. For a long time, my life had meaning when I did these projects, when I was in a relationship or when I did that supercool vacation. What is really matters to me and what can fall away? Facing all these questions and sometimes even hitting rock bottom is basically just a waking-us-up to truth.
So especially in these times try not to run away from it or numb it in any way, rather face „what is“ and from that pain wake up to an even greater meaning to life.
Well, that’s something we all like to know somehow. It’s a tough question and some institutions claim to have an answer to that. Some say we are sent here to learn and grow through experiences, both pleasant and painful. Some say we are here to worship god(s) whilst others say the meaning of life is to merge with god. Some say that we are here to just have fun and make the best out of our worldly experiences. And others completely negate the existence of any deeper meaning behind all this. In the end we can follow these different streams or „truths“, but we probably never know with certainty whether there is/ or what is the true inherent meaning of life. This can make us anxious and fearful and sometimes even desperate at times. It is scary to not know, and it often causes anxiety of responsibility.
The problem is that we often assume meaninglessness is inherently a bad thing equally as doing nothing is a bad thing. Following this we begin to judge ourselves for not having meaning or purpose in our lives. This is often connected to the core belief that only when we are productive, then we are significant and then we are worthy. Following that belief, we then get productive and try vigilantly to actively find purpose, sense and significance which unfortunately is not to be found like a 1€ bill on the street.
“Nothing has meaning except for the meaning you give it.”
In many ways it would be so great if there were rules and answers to what’s the meaning of it all. When there is no official meaning to life, we can choose how we want to feel and what creates that feeling of meaning within us. Instead of being the victims of life we instead create our own meaning and become the creators. We get to decide what matters to us, how we want to feel, the energy we want to exchange with others. Sometimes in religion and politics you find external authorities who say what’s right and wrong but in the end what matters is with what we want to fill your life with and what you want to offer others. And then we can commit ourselves to that meaning every single day. This creates a sense of meaning and of wholeness.
A sense of purpose is about recognizing our own gifts and using them to contribute to the world—whether those gifts are playing beautiful music for others to enjoy, helping friends solve problems, or simply bringing more joy into the lives of those around you.
Goals can be a great source of satisfaction and add meaning and purpose to our lives, especially when they are aligned with our deeper values. Ego or success-based goals are often only delivering short-term satisfaction whilst soul-based goals give us access to a deeper meaning behind everything we do. Your task is to choose carefully and intentionally what you want to do, create and bring into this world.
Meaning is not success, pleasure, or happiness.
Meaning is a sense of significance in our actions.
Meaning is what we create by paying attention.
Meaning is being of service with our gifts.
Meaningful is what our tiny little life naturally and inherently is.
When in my life have I experienced that fame, success, pleasure, money are leaving me feeling empty?
What matters to me?
How do I want to feel?
With what (energy, ppl, things) do I want to fill this life with?
What do I care about?
How can I be of service today?
How can I add meaning to this one day?
How can I use my gifts to make this life more beautiful?
How can I contribute today (and be it in the smallest way) to the wellbeing of others/at least one another person?
Can I believe that me existing on this earth is inherently meaningful? Why? Why not?
How can I differentiate ego-based and soul-based goals?
What soul-based goals do I want to pursue in my life?